Publications from Mistra SAMS
Mistra SAMS contributes to in-depth knowledge on accessibility and mobility service innovations: their technical configurations, institutional conditions and user's perspectives.
Scientific Articles
Henriksson, M., Berg, J., & Henriksson, G. (2024). Everyday mobility and citizenship: a living lab approach. Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 12(1), 2355355.
Lättman, K., Olsson, L. E., & Friman, M. (2024). Perceived accessibility: unveiling inequalities in transport justice. Sustainable Transport and Livability, 1 (1), 2373050.
Kriukelyte, E., Sochor, J. & Kramers, A., “Actualizing sustainable transport: the interplay between public policy instruments and shared mobility providers’ business models” , in European Transport Research Review, 5 February 2024
Andersson, J., Björklund, G., Warner, H. W., Lättman, K., & Adell, E. (2023). The complexity of changes in modal choice: A quasi-experimental study. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 96, 36-47.
Witzell, J. & Oldbury, K. (2023), "Embedding Research-led Urban Experiments? Institutional Capacities and Challenges in Mundane Planning Settings" , in Nordic Journal of Urban Studies, 22 December 2023, 21-27
Santarius, T., Bieser, J. C., Frick, V., Höjer, M., Gossen, M., Hilty, L. M., Kern, E., Pohl, J., Rohde, F. & Lange, S. (2023), "Digital sufficiency: Conceptual considerations for ICTs on a finite planet" , in Annals of Telecommunications, 78 (5-6), 277-295
Santarius, T., Dencik, L., Diez, T., Ferreboeuf, H., Jankowski, P., Hankey, S., Hilbeck, A., Hilty, L., Höjer, M., Kleine, D., Lange, S., Pohl, J., Reisch, L., Ryghaug, M., Schwanen, T. & Staab, P. (2023), "Digitalization and sustainability: A call for a digital green deal" , in Environmental Science & Policy, 147, 11-14
Adshead, D., Akay, H., Duwig, C., Eriksson, E., Höjer, M., Larsdotter, K., Svenfelt, Å., Vinuesa, R. & Fuso Nerini, F. (2023), "A mission-driven approach for converting research into climate action" , in NPJ Climate Action, 2(1)
Berg Mårtensson, H.; Höjer M. & Åkerman, J. (2023), "Low emission scenarios with shared and electric cars: Analyzing life cycle emissions, biofuel use, battery utilization, and fleet development" , in International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2023.2248049
Erlandsson, J.; Bergmark, P. & Höjer, M. (2023), "Establishing the planetary boundaries framework in the sustainability reporting of ICT companies-A proposal for proxy indicators" , in Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 329
Berg Mårtensson, H.; Larsen K. & Höjer, M. (2023), "Investigating potential effects of mobility and accessibility services using the avoid-shift-improve framework" , in Sustainable cities and society, vol. 96 Pages 104676-104676
Isaksson, K.; Eriksson, L. & Witzell, J. (2023), Discursive power dynamics affecting how climate targets are framed and integrated in national transport planning : The case of Sweden , in Discourse Analysis in Transport and Urban Development: Interpretation, Diversity and Controversy, Robin Hickman, Christine Hannigan (Eds.) Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Pages 39-51
Johansson, F., Åkerman, J., Henriksson, G., Envall, P. (2022) A pathway for parking in line with the Paris Agreement , Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10, 1223-1233,
Witzell, J., Henriksson, M., Håkansson, M., Isaksson, K. (2022) Transformative Capacity for Climate Mitigation in Strategic Transport Planning – Principles and Practices in Cross-Sectoral Collaboration. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2022.2037414
Vaddadi, B.; Ringenson, T.; Sjöman, M.; Hesselgren, M.; Kramers, A. (2022), "Do they work? Exploring possible potentials of neighbourhood Telecommuting centres in supporting sustainable travel" , in Travel Behaviour and Society, Volume 29, October 2022, Pages 34-41.
JCT Bieser, M Höjer, A Kramers, LM Hilty (2022) Toward a method for assessing the energy impacts of telecommuting based on time-use data , Travel Behaviour and Society 27, 107-116
Wallsten. A., Henriksson, M. & Isaksson, K. (2021) The Role of Local Public Authorities in Steering toward Smart and Sustainable Mobility: Findings from the Stockholm Metropolitan Area. Planning Practice & Research. DOI: 10.1080/02697459.2021.1874638
Wallén Warner, H.; Björklund, G.; Andersson, J. (2021) Using a three-stage model of change to understand people’s use of bicycle, public transport, and car . Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Bieser, Jan C.T.; Vaddadi, B.; Kramers, A.; Höjer, M.; Hilty, L. M. (2021) Impacts of telecommuting on time use and travel: A case study of a neighborhood telecommuting center in Stockholm Travel Behaviour and Society Volume 23
Witzell, Jacob. 2020. Assessment tensions: How climate mitigation futures are marginalized in long-term transport planning . Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 87 102503
Lättman, Katrin; Friman, Margareta and Olsson, Lars E. 2020. Restricted car-use and perceived accessibility . Transportation Research Part D 78 102213
Sjöman M., Ringenson T., Kramers A.,(2020) Exploring everyday mobility in a living lab based on economic interventions . European transport research review 12 (1). (2020)
Lättman, Katrin; Olsson, Lars E.; Friman, Margareta and Fujii, Satoshi. 2019. Perceived Accessibility, Satisfaction with Daily Travel, and Life Satisfaction among the Elderly . Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16:4498.
Johansson, Fredrik; Henriksson, Greger and Envall, Pelle. 2019. Moving to Private-Car-Restricted and Mobility-Served Neighborhoods: The Unspectacular Workings of a Progressive Mobility Plan . Sustainability 2019, 11(22), 6208
Lättman, Katrin; Olsson, Lars E.; and Friman, Margareta. 2018. A new approach to accessibility – Examining perceived accessibility in contrast to objectively measured accessibility in daily travel . Research in Transportation Economics 69: 501-511
Henriksson, Malin; Witzell, Jacob and Isaksson, Karolina. 2018. All Change or Business as Usual? The Discursive Framing of Digitalized Smart Accessibility in Sweden presented at the mobil.TUM conference in München, Germany, June 13-14 2018 and thereafter published in Transportation Research Procedia 41 (2019) 625–636.
Kramers, Anna; Ringensson, Tina; Sopjani, Liridona and Arnfalk, Peter. 2018. AaaS and MaaS for reduced environmental impact of transport: Indicators for identifying promising digital service innovations . EPiC Series in Computing 52: 137–152
Ringensson, Tina; Arnfalk, Peter; Kramers, Anna and Sopjani, Liridona. 2018. Indicators for Promising Accessibility and Mobility Services . Sustainability 10(8): 2836
Lättman, Katrin. 2017. Planning for Public Transport Accessibility: an international sourcebook. By Curtis, C. and Scheurer, J. (2016). Journal of Transport Geography 62: 263-264
Books or book chapters
Isaksson, Karolina & Kramers, Anna (red.) (2024) Hållbara mobilitetsframtider. Lärdomar för beslutsfattare och fortsatt kunskapsutveckling. Boxholm: Linnefors förlag.
Lange, S ., Santarius, T ., Dencik, L ., Diez, T ., Ferreboeuf, H., Hankey, S., Hilbeck, A., Hilly, L., Höjer, M., Kleine, D., Pohl, J., Reisch, L., Ryghaug, M., Schwanen, T. & Staab, P. (2023), Digital reset: Redirecting technologies for the deep sustainability transformation , Oekom Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-98726-022-3
Henriksson, M., “"'Planering handlar om liv och död': tre forskarröster om mobilitet och rättvisa", in Henriksson, M.; Joelsson, T. & Balkmar, D. (2023), in Rättvist resande?: Villkor, utmaningar och visioner för samhällsplaneringen
Olsson, L. E., Friman, M. & Lättman, K., “Upplevd tillgänglighet som nytt analysverktyg”, in Henriksson, M; Joelsson, T & Balkmar, D (2023), in Rättvist resande?: Villkor, utmaningar och visioner för samhällsplaneringen
Ringenson, T.; Kramers, A. (2021), "Mobility as a Service and the Avoid-Shift-Improve Approach" in Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics, A Bogeyman or Saviour for the UN Sustainability Goals?, Volker Wohlgemuth et al. (Eds) Springer. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-88063-7
Bieser, Jan C. T.; Höjer, M. (2021), "A Framework for Assessing Impacts of Information and Communication Technology on Passenger Transport and Greenhouse Gas Emissions" in Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics, A Bogeyman or Saviour for the UN Sustainability Goals?, Volker Wohlgemuth et al. (Eds) Springer. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-88063-7
Anna Wallsten, Malin Henriksson, Karolina Isaksson (2020) Kan smart mobilitet bidra till hållbarhetsomställningen? Möjliga vägar för kommuner. I Björklund, P (2020) (red.) Fossilfritt Sverige: en antologi om klimatomställning i praktiken. [Stockholm]: Verbal.
Kramers, A. Digitalisering - hur kan ny teknik bidra till omställningen, Kapitel i Global Utmanings handbok MOT EN HÅLLBAR FRAMTID, SÅ GENOMFÖR VI FN:S AGENDA 2030 OCH DE GLOBALA MÅLEN FÖR HÅLLBAR UTVECKLING. (2018)
Arnfalk, P. Kramers, A. (2024) Utbyte av arbetsplatser mellan myndigheter: Utvärdering av ett pilotprojekt. IIIEE Reserach Project Report, August 28, 2024.
Göransson Scalzotto, J. (2023), Report Gig resistance - delivery regulations and grass roots initiatives: Insights from Spain
Hansson, L.; Sørensen, C.H. & Rye, T. (2023), Public Participation in Transport in Times of Change Vol: 18
Arnfalk, P. Winslott Hiselius, L. (2022) Digital tillgänglighet - så påverkas vårt resande . K2 Reserach Project Report, February, 2022.
Vaddadi, B.; Hesselgren, M.; Kramers, A. (2022), Report "Living Lab #2 Work near, Travel Smarter"
Vaddadi, B.; Hesselgren, M.; Kramers, A. (2022), Report "Living Lab #2 Work near, Travel Smarter: Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on work & travel life"
Sochor, J. & Miller, M. (2021), "Deliverable 03: State of the art and handbook tools for implementation. HALLO project (Hubs for Last Mile Delivery Solutions) funded by EIT Urban Mobility"
Witzell et al (2021), Report "Exploring new mobility services: insights from three perspectives –public actors, citizens, and market actors"
Bieser, Jan C.T.; Kriukelyte, E. (2021), " The digitalization of passenger transport. Technologies, applications and potential implications for greenhouse gas emissions" , KTH Report, TRITA-ABE-RPT-2132
Sørensen, C.H., Isaksson, K. (2021) Omställning till hållbar mobilitet: vilka roller kan smart mobilitet, medborgardeltagande och coronakrisen spela? Rapport, VTI Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut
Kriukelyte, Erika. 2020. Demand Management: New Perspectives for the Road Transport System Based on Practices in Electricity and Telecommunications KTH Report, TRITA-ABE-RPT-2021.
Ekener, Elisabeth and Albiz, Niccolas. 2020. Sustainable Mobility in the countryside - how can rural areas thrive with an increased fuel price (Swedish) .
Resurseffektiv Transport och Mobilitet i Sverige - Vad behövs? IVA Rapport (2019)
Koglin, Till. 2019. Smart exchange points - A study of how digitalisation can affect the availability of exchange points. K2 Working papers 2019:10
Kriukelyte, Erika. 2019. The transport sector in transition: pathways of handling data in four selected urban regions.
Oldbury, Kasey and Isaksson, Karolina. 2018. Electric car sharing at Stockholm central station: user experiences. VTI notat 21
Conference proceedings
Hesselgren, M. (2023), "Designerly living labs for shaping and exploring sustainable mobility practices" In conference proceedings SCP23, July 5-8, 2023, Wageningen, Netherlands
Sjöman, M. (2022), ”Designerly living lab methods: Real life experimentation in early research stages” In conference proceedings 23rd CINet Conference, 11-13 September 2022, Pisa, Italy.
Vaddadi, Bhavana; Bieser, Jan C. T.; Pohl, Johanna; Kramers, Anna 2020
Towards a conceptual framework of direct and indirect environmental effects of co-working
, ICT4S2020: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability June 2020 Pages 27-35
Kramers, Anna; Ringenson, Tina and Sjöman, Martin. 2019. Exploring everyday mobility by use of interventions aimed at incentivizing greener choices. Presented at the CIT2019 in Stockholm, Sweden, June 13-14 2019.
Kramers, Anna and Carlsson, T. 2019. Policy instruments for sustainable accessibility and mobility in urban areas. Presented at the CIT2019 in Stockholm, Sweden, June 13-14 2019.
Kramers, Anna; Ringensson, Tina; Sopjani, Liridona and Arnfalk, Peter. 2018. AaaS and MaaS for reduced environmental impact of transport: Indicators for identifying promising digital service innovations , presented at the ICT4S conference in Toronto, Canada, 2018.
Doctoral theses
Sjöman, M., (2023) Living the change: Designerly Modes of real-life Experimentation , KTH Doctoral Thesis TRITA-ITM-AVL; 2023:20
Vaddadi, Bhavana; (2022) Understanding the system-level for Mobility as a Service: A framework to evaluate full-scale impacts of MaaS , KTH Doctoral Thesis TRITA-ITM-AVL; 2022:30
Sopjani, Liridona, (2021) Sharing the Design Authorship of Sustainability: Towards co-creation of sustainable transport systems and practices, KTH Doctoral Thesis TRITA-ITM-AVL; 2021:48
Johansson, F. (2021), A Shift in Urban Mobility and Parking?: Exploring Policies in Relation to Practices , KTH Doctoral thesis, TRITA-ABE-DLT; 2136
Ringenson, Tina, (2021), Mobilising digitalisation to serve environmental goals, KTH Doctoral Thesis TRITA-ABE-DLT; 2044
Witzell, Jacob, (2021) Approaching transformative futures: Discourse and practice in Swedish national transport policy and planning, KTH Doctoral Thesis TRITA-ABE-DLT ; 2048
Lättman, Katrin. 2018. Perceived Accessibility - Living a satisfactory life with help of the transport system . Doctoral dissertation, Karlstad University.
Master's theses
Reinhardt, Albin. 2023. "Accessibility, how it is understood by planners and experienced by citizens: Planners' and citizens' perceptions of how Demand Responsive Transport can increase accessibility in suburban areas"
Jansson, Josefin, 2021. “Gå och cykla till skolan: En fallstudie över möjligheter och hinder för beteendeförändring i Nacka kommun” KTH Master Thesis, TRITA-ABE-MBT; 21335
Rachmanto, Adinda Smaradhana.2020 The Impact of E-scooters in Stockholm Public Spaces , KTH Master thesis TRITA-ABE-MBT; 20749
Miller, Marcus. 2020 Dockless electric scooters and the sustainable mobility transition in Stockholm: User study, stakeholder insights and policy perspectives , KTH Master thesis, TRITA-ABE-MBT; 20780
Wang, Yulu. 2020. Data-driven smart mobility as an act to mitigate climate change, a case of Hangzhou
Belaiff, Vera. 2019. Children’s Mobility : An analysis of children’s school and leisure trips along with the municipal work for the various trips
Kristofferson, Hannes and Wallin, Isak. 2019. Delningstjänster för elsparkcyklar: Ett hållbart transportalternativ eller en ohållbar ekvation.
Andersson, Lovisa. 2019. Study of Electric Scooters from a User Perspective
Garrido Fernández, Aurora. 2018. Toward transport futures using mobile data analytics: Stakeholder identification in the city of Stockholm (pdf 2.0 MB)
Programme reports
Mistra SAMS Phase 1 Report 2017-2020
Mistra SAMS Annual Report 2018, digital version (pdf 8.5 MB)
Mistra SAMS Study Trip to Helsinki 2018 (pdf 3.6 MB)
Mistra SAMS Annual Report 2017, digital version (pdf 3.0 MB)