Seminar: Shaping sustainable and inclusive mobility systems with Glenn Lyons, Sampsa Hyysalo and Jackie Klopp
Theme: Shaping sustainable and inclusive mobility systems – the critical role of transport and land use planning, digital technology and active user engagement
A Mistra SAMS open seminar on 21 June at 10.45 - 12.15.
Venue: D1, Lindstedtsvägen 9 and Zoom
The Mistra SAMS research program invites you to an open seminar with three distinguished researchers working in fields related to sustainable transport and access, sustainable urban planning and co-design:
- "Popular Transport and Digital Commons in an Age of Climate Change" Jacqueline M. Klopp, Director at the Center for Sustainable Urban Development, Columbia University
- "Users’ active design engagement in the 21st century – An expanded taxonomy" Sampsa Hyysalo, professor of Co-design at Aalto University
- “ ‘TAP-SWOT in a BOX’ – a serious game for exploring the merits of a different approach to transport planning” Glenn Lyons, Mott MacDonald Professor of Future Mobility, UWE Bristol
The seminar is a hybrid meeting
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The Mistra SAMS team
Jacqueline M. Klopp: "Popular Transport and Digital Commons in an Age of Climate Change"

In rapidly growing cities across Africa and Asia, popular transport in the form of shared mobility modes like mini buses, three-wheelers and motorcycle taxis dominate. Thus, the decarbonization problem is not the same as in Europe and North America which is focussed on electrification and mode shift from personal car use. Instead, the key problem is around how to upgrade and improve as well as integrate these popular transport modes into mass transit for equity and public health reasons, which also leads to addressing climate. Making improvements rapidly, along with better land-use, might also prevent costly (for both individuals and society) mode shift to personal vehicles. This talk gives an overview of recent efforts to leverage technology and digital commons to enable popular transport improvements in the age of climate change.
Presentation "Popular Transport and Digital Commons in an Age of Climate Change" (pdf 6.1 MB)
Sampsa Hyysalo: Users’ active design engagement in the 21st century – An expanded taxonomy

People not only purchase and use products and services, but creatively appropriate, hack, redesign and even innovate in them. This finding has emerged from several disciplines, iin which the use of products and systems has been studied in-depth and particularly wherever ethnographic methods have been deployed on technological settings. Consequently, also different typologies of active use, user design and user innovation have emerged in disciplines, but these have remaining piecemeal even if complementary. Together they produce a blurry depiction of active design engagement, despite the academic importance of the topic as well as its practical relevance. Design-in-use has become pivotal to many emerging design approaches. To remedy this, we synthesize a taxonomy of different aspects of active use and design engagement, which for the first time flashes out the impressive extent in which active use and design-in-use phenomena happens. Use as-is, active use, locally new designs and globally new innovations mark different intensities of engagement. These can concern the material form of design, new uses, new meanings, adjustment to local settings, or the collective endeavours to shape communities and organizations, ideologies and imaginaries, and global platforms that facilitate active use. All these aspects and gradations of user engagement can be found hot-spots such as digital-physical making activities which is used to empirically demonstrate the taxonomy. Most forms of active use surface in other ethnographic longitudinal studies we have conducted in different domains. The taxonomy has been used in e.g. tracking how innovation in design communities evolves and offers conceptual means to identify gaps in empirical research and theoretical treatises of how humans engage with technologies and systems.
Glenn Lyons: “‘TAP-SWOT in a BOX’ – a serious game for exploring the merits of a different approach to transport planning”?

TAP-SWOT in a BOX is a serious game that helps introduce transport practitioners to Triple Access Planning – an approach that sits within the Decide and Provide paradigm, in contrast to traditional transport planning and its place in the Predict and Provide paradigm. The card game allows players to be introduced to this new approach and to weigh up is Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in coming to a view as to whether or not it seems appropriate to adopt in practice. The game has been run multiple times with practitioners in different parts of the UK and in Europe and has proved popular, thought provoking and useful in helping practitioners consider a new perspective on a more vision-led access-focused approach to future planning that accommodates uncertainty.
Presentation "TAP-SWOT in a BOX’ (pdf 1.2 MB)