Conclusions from a local co-working hub
New leads gained from research on our local co-working hub in Tullinge.

Our co-working hub in Tullinge was developed as a living lab 2019–2021, and then run for a year as a commercial pilot by Botkyrka municipality in collaboration with a local space-sharing entrepreneur, Vakansa. The pilot project was closed at the end of 2022. Botkyrka municipality will publish a report about the pilot phase of the hub in early 2023. The final research results of Mistra SAMS will be published in
Expanding the possibilities of work hubs in a post-pandemic reality
Living lab research has led to several interesting new leads about our post-pandemic reality, in which digital work is the new normal for many people. Over the upcoming year, Mistra SAMS will continue to investigate the role of the municipality in establishing local workhubs and explore the opportunities of intra-municipal and intra- governmental hubs, where employees of municipal or governmental agencies can work from shared premises across the region or country a couple of days a week. Finally, Mistra SAMS will explore how the increased use of digital services may influence emissions and energy footprints.